Logo Movie Park Germany Services GmbH


Information Coronavirus


Which corona measures apply to the park visit and hotel stay?

  • Corona measures in the park

    With the expiration of the Corona Protection Ordinance, most of the regulations no longer apply. As of April 8, the following measures will be in place at Movie Park Germany:

    • The German “3G rule” is no longer valid! No more proofs of vaccination, recovery or tests required.
    • The obligation to wear the mask is also dropped with immediate effect. 
      Nevertheless, we strongly recommend that you continue to wear the mouth/nose protection where distances cannot always be observed. We would also like to encourage you to do this in the spirit of personal responsibility. We will continue to provide our employees with masks in order to offer basic protection in the operational environment and will resort to other alternative protective measures (such as plexiglass screens) in park operations.

  • All information about the park visit can be found here

  • Corona measures in the hotels

    Since the individual measures differ from hotel to hotel, we cannot provide detailed information here. Please inform yourself before arrival or booking on the website of the respective hotel about the measures, e.g. breakfast schedule or possibly closed facilities, which have been taken in your booked / desired hotel because of the Corona pandemic. Complaints due to possibly closed facilities or changed services will not be accepted in this case.

  • A general overview of the corona measures in the park and hotels is available here as a download.


What about travel restrictions?

The current situation around the coronavirus as well as the measures for containment are very dynamic and the guidelines of the Federal Government as well as the individual Federal States change almost daily.

Therefore, it is not possible for us as a tour operator to always inform you in time about possible restrictions. Therefore, please inform yourself independently about the currently applicable measures and possible travel restrictions before you start your trip.

 You will find the latest information here:

If you are not able to start your stay with us due to official requirements, please contact us by e-mail to info@movieparkholidays.de, stating your reservation or voucher number.


Which booking cnditions apply?

You can find our adapted booking conditions here.



Updated: 05.04.2022